Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ten Random Things I Am Thankful For....

1. Sunny, no-wind winter days where the streets are clear but the sun shines bright off the snowy tops of lawns  and a blinding light of heaven makes you squint. You return home with smiling red cheeks.

2. Late night runs through Christmas-lighted neighborhoods.

3. Thanksgiving morning runs, getting home with a calorie deficit in time for football and eating and lounging and multiple trips to the dessert table.

4. My family.

5.  I can eat pop-tarts cold, straight out of the silver sleeve.  (Yes, there are folks who can only eat them heated.)

6., My Kindle, Amazon KDP, and Barnes & Noble Pubit.

7.  The smell of coffee beans when I first open a bag of coffee. mmmm.... And coffee timers that have a hot, fresh cup ready for me in the morning.   AND... an 8 year old daughter who sometimes hand-delivers a cup to my beside.

8.  All the things I don't have to do anymore just to get by that I used to.  All the things I plan to do on a bucket list that is never ending.

9. Pavel Datsyuk and Darren Helm

10. I have way more than most, probably more than I deserve, a solid set of knees, I can burb the alphabet, I have an ipod with music and a new pair of shoes and a cool set of wireless headphones, I'm graced with many safety nets that I may never need, all of which let me jump with confidence into the universe, and, no matter what has ever happened, In the end, it's all good, because if it's not good, it's not the end.

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley