Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things I Learned Or Relearned This Weekend, And A Review and Giveaway

A blogger, adoptive mother, and runner of many miles has posted a review and giveaway of The Jade Rabbit

Check it out here:  See Mom Run Far: The Jade Rabbit Review and Giveaway:
I have been incredibly appreciative of bloggers who have been willing to take a look at the novel and give a review (and their feedback has been incorporated into a recent edit of the novel) but this blogger was sorta extra special as she is an adoptive mother as well as a runner.  It's a bit tacky to say, but she is an angel and perhaps that's why she can run so many miles in her Brooks minimalist shoes, and is doing the Goofy challenge at Disney this year.

I, on the other hand, did a 13 mile run 2 days ago which wiped me out. I tried to run today and had to slog back in after just 4 miles. Even though I have done a dozen marathons and have plenty of confidence, no matter how many times you run the 26.2 it still takes hard work to get there. The discipline, endurance, and persistence doesn't just happen by itself.  I also believe you need to be inspired by something to keep your drive and energy, and I'm working on tapping into the deeper meaning of my upcoming spring marathon. I tend to attach deeper meaning to all events, and this one is still taking shape.

Other things I learned, or relearned this weekend:

--Rich people who say  "wanna bet?" mean Ten Thousand dollars same way I would say "bet you 10 bucks the Lions lose?"  or  "50 bucks says the Smail's kid picks his nose"

If you haven't seen Caddyshack, the 'Smails' reference will mean little to you.
--Watching my kids look at our Christmas tree makes me realize how I will always remember my own tree at their age and what it felt like to see the lights and imagine the presents.  And here we are, making permanent memories in their little heads. Oh, the pressure.

--If you eat enough peppermint bark, you have candy-coated/red striped BM's.

This big bin is empty.

--And Finally: People love 'Free'.  
Readers on Amazon downloaded The Jade Rabbit 800 times for free on kindle this weekend as part of Amazon's Prime Member Lending promotion. I had to give my agreement, which I did, so have 800 new readers who 'one-clicked' there way to a free ebook.   

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley