Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New York City Marathon Fundraiser: Anonymous Donor

I'm closing in on my last huge training run for the Ann Arbor Marathon this week, a 22 miler in what looks to be a 80 degree hot weekend.

And although I'm training for the Ann Arbor Marathon, I am also using it as a warm up to run my first New York City Marathon.  I'm running to raise funds for a cause I fully believe in, Covenant House of Michigan.  For more information, see here: My First Giving, New York City Marathon, Charity Page

Two cool bits of information:  For one, a local anonymous donor has agreed to match dollar for dollar whatever I can raise on my own.   I know, right! Very cool. So, whatever you think you may give, as little as it may seem (it's not!) double it in your brain.

Also, a not so anonymous donor, myself, has agreed to ship a copy of both of my novels, The Jade Rabbit and Stray, to anyone in the United States who donates 50 dollars or more.  I know, right! Very cool.

The Covenant House serves a population very similar to the youth served in The Jade Rabbit, and, in fact, is the type of facility Janice, the main character, feels can assist the homeless 18 year old Sharleen. I know, this means little if you haven't read the book, but just know that I have seen dozens and dozens of non-profits, some of which waste and squander money. Covenant House is not one of those. Sure, I've always wanted to run the NYCM, but it was a no-brainer and a perfect fit when I saw on the Covenant House website that they had NYCM entries available.

Thanks for listening.

My First Giving, New York City Marathon, Charity Page

*** Thanks to those who donated so fast and furious today. You'll receive a personal thanks and some goods in the mail, and I promise I will run until I (nearly) drop.***

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley