Friday, June 15, 2012

Roll Me Away And Other Songs On My Ipod

Just 2 days away before the Ann Arbor Marathon, and if I cross the finish, I will be in the 'Baker's Dozen' Marathon group.  Yep, we are the group who have finished 13 marathons.  

Never try anything new before a marathon. The night before, the morning of, maybe even 3 days out, but I think I just blew it, because I got me a Foam Roller at Dicks Sporting Goods.  How Sweet! So, that's how y'all roll!  I've been rolling all over it and finding all sorts of delightfully painful spots to roll over.  Never done this before.  Nope.  In fact, I am not a stretcher. Hardly ever.  Once in a while I'll come across an article that debunks the benefits of stretching and justify my insanity, but overall I'm pretty sure that it's harmed my running, caused injuries, and has taken years off my life or at least minutes off my miles.

I once had physical therapy for an IT band issue, and the physical therapist was so amazed by my lack of flexibility that he called in all the other interns in the office to see.

But never more. Cause now I roll. I roll away.. And I'm thinking I like to roll. I'm all in.  Love to hear some rolling stories or tips. Anyone roll before a marathon?  Anyone roll in groups? Anyone roll away the dew?  (first one to get that reference wins a prize)

One of the coolest things about marathon anticipation is, as much as you think you know, you never do know what will happen race day. I could gain cosmic energy at mile 16, which has happened more than once, and then shoot to the end with delight. Or, the gates of hell could open and I could be taking walking breaks by mile 22, shufflin in pain, which has happened more than once.

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug, but run enough, and you're gonna go Splat!

One thing I know for sure is what I will be listening to. Yes, I run events with my ipod on (see here if you’re curious).  Below is my playlist. And yes, I'm feeling pretty vulnerable revealing it. I figure it is the closest thing to letting you use my bathroom and having you sneak a peek into my medicine cabinet at all sorts of viral creams and strange powders and ointments and expired prescription bottles.

 Current Playlist:
Runnin Down A Dream, Tom Petty  Get Out The Map, Indigo Girls, I Dreamed A Dream, Les Miserables, Chariots of Fire, Movie Soundtrack  Wanted Dead or Alive, Bon Jovi,  Flagpole Sitta, Harvey Danger, Rebellion, Neighborhood #1 Tunnels, Arcade Fire, No New Tale to Tell, Love and Rockets, Beauty Queen Sister, Love of Our lives, Indigo Girls,  Nail Em Up, Red Shag, Current Swell, Without A Trace, Soul Asylum  I Wanna be Your Dog, Search & Destroy, The Stooges,  Get Out Of Denver, Roll Me Away, Bob Seger

Icky Thump, Rag And Bone, Seven Nation Army, White Stripes
The Imperial March, Star Wars Soundtrack, Ride the White Lightening, Metallica  Rolling In The Deep, Adele, Hallelujah, St. Ralph Soundtrack,  If the Brakemen Turns My Way, Bright Eyes Nothing But Flowers, Talking Heads   One, Johnny Cash (U2 cover)  Rearview Mirror, Go, Pearl Jam  Defying Gravity, Wicked Soundtrack  Philippino Box Spring Hog, Tom Waits, Long Day,3 AM, Matchbox Twenty  St. Stephen, The Other One, Grateful Dead  Born To Run, Bruce Springsteen,  Don’t Rain On My Parade, Glee cast,  Radar Love, Golden Earring  Escape, Journey,  Gonna fly Now, Going the Distance, Rocky Soundtrack

Spectrum, Howl, Dog Days Are Over, Florence + The Machine  Magic Power, Triumph  Bawitdada, Kid Rock  Rabbit Run, Till I Collapse, Lose Yourself, Eminem  Now Or Never, High School Musical Cast  The Cave, Mumford & Sons  Under A Raging Moon, Roger Daltrey  You’re Going Down, Sick Puppies, Fighter, Christina Aguilera  I Don’t Live Today, Voodoo Chile, Jimi Hendrix.

*If all goes well, I won’t be listening to many of these last songs, since there are 4 hours of music here. Then again, I could be listening to them on repeat You just never know.

(Weather now shows as 70 degrees at the start, heading up to the high 80's, with a 10% chance of rain, 10 MPH winds)


Vaudiophile said...

Nice playlist. Some disagreements, but that goes for anyone's taste compared to another person. "Roll Me Away" may be my favorite Seger song, but there are quite a few dogs in that fight.

Anonymous said...

Nice selection of songs. A great mixture!! Speaking of "Grateful Dead"......Roll away the Dew.....The lyric and band I knew but there are so many who think they know what it means...Supposedly it has something to do with Ben Franklin. Good luck with your marathon stay cool!!

Mark Matthews said...

Ah! I was just hoping someone would ID the "Roll away The Dew" lyric from Franklins Tower, and you nailed it.

'some watch by night, some watch by day. If you get confused, listen to the music play!" Free book of your choice if you're interested. Thanks for commenting.

NY Wolve said...

I don;t really run in races with music -- too much going on for me. Then again, I have never run a race where there are not thousands of people running with also. Hope A2 brought back memories!

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