Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learning To Face The Path At Your Pace

 We all run On: Like The Moon, And The Sun, And The Stars

It's on. The more I pondered over the New York City Marathon and followed the news,  the less I thought it should or would go on. Logistical nightmares, canceled flights, power outage, relief workers and resources.   

The response from runners, it seems, has been overy heated at times, but what can you expect from a bunch of tapering runners. It's like sticking some bees in a jar and shaking really hard. They're gonna look for something to sting.

If you've been following, you've read a million takes and articles, here is one that seems to have been lost, where a Staten Island official was asking Bloomberg to cancel or postpone the event.

But it's happening. As of yesterday, flights from Detroit to Newark weren't being canceled, but I did call my hotel and asked if they have power. Their answer:

"We have no power, we are still in a state of emergency, call us in two days."
"But I'm supposed to be there in two days."
"Well, do you want to cancel?"

I did not cancel, so, like the teens served by Covenant House, the charity I'm running for, as of now I have now place to stay in New York. Of course, I am blessed with resources they never will, and the hurricane is all the more reason services like Covenant House, who house homeless teens and young adults, is needed. 

It is going to be work to get to the starting line, and I'm all freaked out if my injured self can even run/finish the marathon. It 'feels like the first time', my first marathon, where I was so anxious if I could finish or not, so I'm trying to get over it and not ruminate over the way my leg pulsates.

To quote my Indigo Girl sisters Amy and Emily:  

"You can stand there and agonize until your agony's your heaviest load.
You'll never fly as the crow flies, get used to a country mile.
When you're learning to face the path at your pace
Every choice is worth your while."

Yep, the Indigo Girls will be heavily featured on my Ipod playlist for the marathon. Along with some AC/DC, some new york related songs (Empire State of Mind, Lou Reed, John Lennon) and some Monkees.

Yep, The Monkees are in honor of my recently deceased brother who was a big monkees fan, and I am expecting memories of him to come pouring forth in some cathartic ways.

 Here's my list, now prolonged to over 4 hours since I'm in just make it to the finish mode. (I should point out that running songs don't always equate to general music tastes, but are in a class of their own.)

Tom Petty; Running Down A Dream,
Chariots of Fire,
Jay-z, Empire State of Mind.
Lou Reed, Heroin,
Natlie Merchant, Wonder,
Mumford and Sons, The Cave
 Glee, Don't Rain On My Parade,
Adele, Rolling In The Deep, 
Grateful Dead, Truckin, Music Never Stopped
Love and Rockets, No new Tale to Tell, 
John Lennon, Instant Karma
The Monkees, Look Out Here Comes Tomorrow, Goin' Down, Randy Scouse Git, Words, Pleasent Valley Sunday,
Rolliing Stones, Shattered
Indigo Girls, Beauty Queen Sister, Love of Our Lives, Watershed,
Neil Diamond, Hell yeah,
Led Zeppelin, Gallows Pole,
Fun, Some Nights,
Arcade Fire, Antichrist TV Blues, Month of May Keep The Car Running, Neighborhood/Tunnels
Bob Seger, Roll Me Away,
Rob Zombie, Human,
The Who, Behind Blue Eyes,
Beatles, Helter Skelter, Get Back,
St. Ralph Soundtrack, Hallelujah,
Metric, Youth Without Youth,
Mellissa Etheridge, I Run For Life,
AC/DC, Back in Black, Highway To Hell, TNT,
Metallica, All Nightmare Long,
Pearl Jam; Go, Rearview Mirror Porch,
Cake, The Distance,
Christina Aguilera, Fighter,
Bon Jovi Wanted Dead or Allive,
White Stripes Icky Thump, Seven Nation Army,
Wicked, Defying Gravity
Triumph, Magic Power,
Rocky Soundtrack,
Kid Rock, Bawitdaba
Eminem, Run Rabbit Run, Til I Collapse, Lose Yourself,
Sick Puppies, You're Going Down, 
Greased Lightenin,
Springsteen, Born To Run,
Iggy Pop, Real Wild Child,
Florence + The Machine, Dog Days Are Over 

ALSO~ TWO Kindle Freebies Today.

First, an incredible runner, coach, writer, and one of those running Guru's who gives advice in a way that sounds just right.
 Running Ahead of The Sun, free on Kindle, Free on Kindle for the first 5 days of November.

Also, my Zombie Dash short story is Free on Kindle. Fun Stuff.

**Update:   Covenant House has had damages in many of their East Coast Facilities, along with an increased need for their services,  and has issued this statement. 

And on a much less important note: my hotel now has power:


Anonymous said...

So very sorry to hear a bout your brother. U will haves such a great time at this unique run at a interesting time in NY history. Hit your other leg w a hammer to forget the other one. I'm full of sound advice.

NYC Marathon *Team Fox*- Missy Spangler said...

If you need a running buddy at any let me know :) So glad you're still doing the marathon and dedicated for the cause! That's what it's really all about at the end of the day!

LBTEPA said...

Good luck! May the running gods bless you

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