Thursday, November 29, 2012

Spring Marathon ~ Which One To Do?

So, I’m pretty sure I want to do a Spring Marathon.  I need to decide which one to run, and pretty quick, because the first one on the list is opening registration Saturday, December 1st, and the word from those who know say it sells out in one day.

 Here’s my  list of Options:

 Bayshore MarathonTraverse City, Saturday, May 25th

PRO: Great scenery, always wanted to run this event, great town, popular and mid-sized but not huge. Flat course. My parents have a condo 40 minutes away I can stay at.

CON: In-state but still travel at a 4 hour drive. Have to decide early and commit and it’s a holiday weekend so who knows what I’ll want to do. Family will have to adjust to my schedule, and hate to ask this when I also expect to travel to New York in November 2013 for the marathon.

Lansing Marathon. - April 21st, 2013

PRO: An hours drive. A date with some good weather. The infamous Detroit Runner has it on his schedule. It would be neat to see more of Lansing, a college town with a mix of rural areas    

CON: Lansing? (Moo-U?) I’m a wolverine, so I'd be a stranger in a strange land. Small marathon, no race day pickup unlike Toledo so I would have to travel there the night before.

Glass City Marathon - Toledo, Ohio, April 28th, 2013

PRO: Similar to above, flat and good time of the year. Also an hours drive, so its close, and I can do race day pick up so can sleep in my own bed and leave my house at 4:30 am and eat breakfast on the road, stop at a Cracker Barrell or Citgo for my morning sit-down, and get my race bib and be good to go. Day tripping.

CON: Also a small marathon, and I have no ties whatsoever to Toledo (except I’ve been to the Zoo, which is wonderful, and wasn’t Klinger from MASH born there?)

Martian Martian - Dearborn, MI  April 13th, 2013
PRO: Running Fit supports it, and they’re good people. The race has some fun race gimmicks and themes. Great kids run.  A 30 minute drive or less

CON: The course is pretty hilly, but that’s the only fun part. Mundane and blah.  The full gives you nothing that the half doesn’t give.

Ann Arbor Marathon - June 9th, 2013

PRO: Ran it last year and enjoyed myself. Ann Arbor is a critical part of my formative years. If I run it this year, I will be tied for running it the most consecutive years in a row of anyone~ twice J.  They are changing the course a bit.  A 35 minute drive. Did I mention it’s Ann Arbor? Starts at the Big House, runs through familiar areas. I'd like to support Champions for Charity and their efforts implementing an Ann Arbor marathon.

CON: It’s really a summer marathon at June 8th. From who I have spoken with, the course changes aren’t really the parts I wanted changed.  Very, very Hilly course.

So, there you have it. If you've run one of these, let me know. The decision time is coming. Tick-tock, tick-tock…...


Emily Nickles said...

I vote Glass City, but I am from Toledo. I ran the half last year. Its flat and fast. I like it. :) More crowd support than I expected, but less than the Flying Pig or Columbus.

Jennifer Crawford said...

I'd pick Ann Arbor (Go Blue!) or Lansing. Lansing will be flat with some small rolling hills (if you want to call them hills)! As for packet pick up, I'm running the half and would be happy to pick up your bib & shirt for you.

SupermomE13 said...

I would say based on your info (since I don't have any personal experience with these!) I would vote for the Glass City Marathon. Lots of great pro's to it and your con is weak. :)

TR said...

No comment is ever lost on me. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to comment! I was actually reading some plans out there that echoed exactly what you said - that you don't have to run as many miles as most of the schedules guide you to do. I like the way you done it!
I think ultimately, my goal would be to finish, but I can't help wanting to finish around 4:45-ish. Is that too ambitious? Probably..because the thought of 26.2 is terrifying!

I will definitely be cheering you on , whichever spring Marathon you decide to do!!

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