Monday, October 21, 2013

Book Signing at the new Running Fit store in Ann Arbor

Running Fit has a new store in Ann Arbor. The Grand Opening Festivities will take place on October 30th. Food, drinks, music, swag, and more!

I will be there from 6 to 8 pm signing copies of On the Lips of Children, a dark thriller featuring a marathon gone horribly wrong.

Running Fit is ranked one of the top 50 running stores in the country.  Go to any event they put on, and it will be run smoothly and with some great vibes. Their stores are staffed with avid runners of all shapes, sizes, and genders who love to talk and teach about their craft.    

And the new store? Well “This is probably going to be the best store we have to run from,” said Running Fit President Randy Step. “That’s always big with the staff — the weekly run.” 

Signing copies of my horror novel about a runner, at Running Fit, in Ann Arbor, on Devil's Night. I just wanted to repeat that, since it sounds too wicked cool to be true.

If you’re within shouting distance of Washtenaw and Platt road in Ann Arbor on October 30th, stop by for a copy or just to say Hi. I will be the dude standing there with a huge grin on my face.


SupermomE13 said...

Very cool! Wish I lived close enough to come! Enjoy it. :)

Kathee said...

Boom! Way to plan! I'll have to put it on my reading list!

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley