Monday, October 28, 2013

The Hay's In the Barn and Soon to be On Fire.


6 days and a wake up until I run the New York City Marathon, and I was so excited that last week I ran....  not at all.

Well, I ran 3 miles. I am tapering to heal up fast and furious, but will run at least two times this week to fire up my neurons.  Once again, I am mocking the marathon beast, throwing tiny little 30 mile week pebbles at its eye. Either way, the hay is in the barn, and soon it will be on fire. Boo-yah!! Can't wait for the weekend. And no Hurricanes in the forecast. 

I have a couple of new pieces of flash fiction hovering around out there. Both of them a bit bizarre and with a Halloween theme.

There is a Dark Carnival project going on at the blog Pen and Muse. My submission is pretty good if you like that sort of stuff: Wicked Smart Carnie

Chuck Wendig puts on a weekly flash fiction contest at his blog TerribleMinds. This week, the challenge was to mish-mash together genres.  I put some science fiction and zombie apocalypic slasher horror in a blender and this is what came out: "A Day At the Park"

Salty Running is one the coolest running blogs around with frequent updates from different flavored spices. They are sponsoring a Paperback contest giveaway! Check it out here and win.

Lastly, I will be at the grand opening of the new Running Fit store in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, October 30th from 6 to 8 pm signing copies of On the Lips of Children.  The store is on the south side of Washtenaw near Platt road. 

...and Chasing the Dragon

Last week I was invited by one of my past professors to take part in a panel of recovering addicts and alcoholics to speak with a University of Michigan social work class. This was the second year I did it, and it was very powerful. A few spoke who were in college, living in the dorms, and only recently sober (and by recent, meaning 9 months, which, when you are an addict, is a damn miracle.) Others were those who worked in the field and experienced great calamities during their days in college in Ann Arbor.  Addicts in recovery, much like runners, speak their own language and listening to them talk is both soothing and inspiring.

So glad to have such a whirlwind of experiences right now, but, when this hurricane passes I need to catch my breath. For now, I have miles to go before I sleep.

1 comment:

Leah F said...

I liked your stories, especially Wicked Smart Carnie. Creepy, creepy. It reminded me a little bit of Geek Love by Katherine Dunn.

Good luck in NY!


  Check it out!! Cover art for my upcoming novel:  TO THOSE WILLING TO DROWN Yay! Thank you, Ben Baldwin. *What's it about?*  "To s...