Friday, November 1, 2013

Running and New York - Some Quotes

"I went to New York to be born again. And when the train plunged into a tunnel under New York City, with its lining of pipes and wires, I was out of the womb and into the birth canal." Kurt Vonnegut

"When you first run up First Avenue in New York, if you don't get goose bumps, theres something wrong with you."   Frank Shorter, on the New York City Marathon

"I didn’t know the city at all, but I was so happy to be in New York I cried. I was so excited." Greta Gerwig 

"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming." Frank Shorter

“I definitely want to show how beautiful the marathon can be. I am the opponent of all those who find the marathon bad: the psychologists, the physiologists, the doubters. I make the marathon beautiful for myself and for others. That’s why I’m here.” Uta Pippig

"The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and beauty in the world. F. Scott Fitzgerald 

“If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.” – Emil Zatopek

"New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American." –  Djuna Barnes

“Running is just such a monastery-- a retreat, a place to commune with God and yourself, a place for psychological and spiritual renewal.” George Sheehan

"I get out of the taxi and it’s probably the only city which in reality looks better than on the postcards, New York." Milos Forman

“It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.” – George Sheehan

"I go to Paris, I go to London, I go to Rome, and I always say, 'There’s no place like New York. It’s the most exciting city in the world now. That’s the way it is. That’s it.'” Robert De Niro

"The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals."  Hal Higdon

"New York was a city where you could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street and nobody would notice." Bob Dylan

“Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?’” – Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

"I regret profoundly that I was not an American and not born in Greenwich Village. It might be dying, and there might be a lot of dirt in the air you breathe, but this is where it’s happening." John Lennon

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

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