Monday, December 2, 2013

A "Little Dummer Boy" Inspired Gift List for Runners

Black Friday this year was really just a jacked up Grey Thanksgiving Evening. We are now in Cyber Monday and being inundated with Christmas Gift ideas.  But one of the most glorious things about running is it is basically free of charge. Like last year, I’m putting forth another Runner's Christmas List, free as your next heartbeat and inspired by the “Little Drummer Boy”
"I have no gifts to bring" pa rum pa pum pum."

Here’s a list that's as simple as playing your drum for baby Jesus, yet fully free of charge and Fit to Give a King. (Pa-Rum-Pa-Pum-Pum)

*The Gift of the High Five -I ran the New York Marathon giving high fives. I slapped the outstretched hands like they were my aid stations. You can collect them for free on most any race route, and they will fire-charge your soul and leave the spectator happy.

*The Gift of Runner Envy
-Runners fill the sidewalks and the streets of my neighborhood. Watching other runners motivates me, makes me wonder what running means to them, and starts me planning and fantasizing about my next run.

*Gift of the Winter Sun -The bright yellow sun in a blue sky, reflecting off fresh white snow, is a joy and indeed a gift to run through.
*The Gift of Darkness
-The dark is also a gift, especially when a full moon glows in the sky.  And of course, the promise of things such as the North Star and Chistmas lights require the dark to make them shine along your running route.

*The Gift of Safety Lights - We run through a motorized world where it seems cars are trying to run you down in the dark. Thankfully, there are more and more little gadgets that attach to your body and blink to keep you safe. It's like all us runners are at a glow in the dark rave. But wait, how is this free? Small Business Saturday. If you shop at a participating store on the Saturday after Thanksgiving with your Amex, you get a ten dollar credit for the first ten dollars you spend. I hit up my local Running Fit store, paid ten dollars, got ten dollars back, and supported a great movement and a great store.   

 *The Gift of Website Race schedules -Who doesn’t love to plan their year looking up races in different locations. I love MarathonGuide for national events, and RunMichigan for local events.

 (I’ll run my best for you, pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)

*The Gift of an Appetite -Holidays mean eating, running means eating more. It's a snake eating its own tail, and finding every bite delicious. Your appetite comes free with every run. 
*The Gift of the High School Track  -Tons of my miles have been done on the softer, concisely measured oval right down the street. The high school track is a place to silently commune with other runners, to do intervals, to take your stab at Yasso 800's, and all for free.
 *The Gift of Oxygen  -Oxygen is free. Yep, free. Outside your door, inside your house, and it is what fuels each run. Thank the plants, thank the big bang, thank the entity who lit the big bang fuse. We are all running through the dust of this explosion.

                  Then, he smiled at me,  pa-rum-pa-pum-pum.

1 comment:

Kathee said...

That's a great list! I love a high 5! I can't believe how many people run in the dark without lights. I look like a freaking lightening bolt out there!
happy holidays and thanks for your support!

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