Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yahoo Email Is Down

My Yahoo Email is down and has been down since Monday. Completely inaccessible. They say it is for scheduled maintenance, but the longer it is down the more I fear something worse.

The question is, why do I use Yahoo anyways? It has only gotten worse with each upgrade, and they refuse to let you use the original, classic version anymore. Arggghhh...

If you are a shoe company asking to sponsor me, a literary agent begging to represent me, a race director accusing me of cheating to get my 4 plus hour marathon, or you want to transfer me some money from your Algerian bank account, please send all future correspondence to: xmarkm(AT)

Once Yahoo is fully up and running, I will start the painful task of making the switch complete.


John M. said...

When Yahoo comes back up again, set up a forward to your new email.

I don't know if Yahoo does this, but also have it send an auto reply message to all incoming email directing the sender to update to your new email address.

Unknown said...

I am having issues too. I can delete 50 emails come back later and they are back again, unread. The only reason I haven't switched is the amount of things I'm signed up to under that email and the thought of remembering/changing each one is unsettling.

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley