Monday, February 17, 2014

3 Things That Make Me Happy

Michigan Runner’s Rejoice! The temperature will be rising all week, topping out at an expected high of 48 on Friday. That is going to feel like 100 degrees, and the sidewalks and streets are sure to be clear of ice. (Right?!) I ran outside Saturday and did loops at a generously salted church parking lot, but this week, the whole world will be accessible and glacier free. Headphones, long sleeve shirt, shoes and shorts are all I need. 

The best hockey in the world. Bigger rinks so skaters can show their skill, players motivated by pride and not money. I am rooting for USA, sure, but there is something extraordinary about watching Detroit hometown hero Pavel Datysuk score a goal and then seeing a faint trace of a smile on (LGBT oppressor) Vladimir Putin’s face. Canada will be challenged, Russia feels pressure to win on their home turf, and USA should be in the mix. All of it is glorious. The most wonderful time of the decade for Hockey fans is the Winter Olympics.

Too injured to play for Detroit, scores goals for Russia

The atmosphere of the show is so thick that it seeps from my plasma TV into my room and changes the whole aura of the house. Matthew McConaughey's character is masterful in delivering his dark philosophyof dread. Woody Harrelson trying to be husband and dad but being just as fucked up makes a perfect partner. Not to mention that the whole thing is a flashback and you can see how the characters have evolved but not really sure how they got there.

1 comment:

Ty @tyruns.blogspot said...

Just pray for those of us that reside in basements during this giant snow melt!! #pleasedontflood

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

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