Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Ann Arbor Marathon and the Coolest Runner on the Course

 The Ann Arbor Marathon is this weekend, and the coolest runner on the course is named Ty and she blogs over here --->  TyRunMan (Note: The results are in, and TY finished the marathon 3rd in her age group!)
  Why is she the coolest? Because she has a dry wit, a quirky edge, so cross-fit that her downward facing dog twists into a mustard soaked pretzel, and because she donated to my RUNWELL fundraising page.

TY didn't donate for this exposure and heralding her coolness, but, if you want to donate, I will be broadcasting yours to the world (unless you prefer not to). Go over to my donor page, contribute $1, $2, $10, but for $25 or more, I will tattoo your name, product, book, blog, etc... on twitter and a blog post like this one.

As a recovering addict of many years and a believer in the power of the natural highs that running provides, Runwell is an organization whose purpose is close to my heart. The organization raises funds for addiction treatment and raises awareness of the role a running lifestyle can provide for those in recovery. CHECK OUT MY DONOR PAGE HERE

I will be sporting this shirt over two half-marathons this year

1 comment:

misszippy said...

Best of luck this weekend! What a fantastic cause (and what a talented writer you are). Off to donate

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley