Friday, March 7, 2014

Once A Runner

My running these days is done just 45 to 55 minutes at a time until a body full of niggles grinds me to a stop. Still, it is of the most wondrous time of the week. The time I feel most free and shed myself of built up waste and rearrange the atoms of my brain. I sweat out resentment and anger and breath in positive spirits.

But 6 miles makes me feel a bit sad and pathetic. I remind myself that I pushed through injuries during the New York City Marathon planning to follow it with months of easy running. Now that I am here, I don't like it, since it feels by demand not choice. I feel like a runner wannabe. Like a poser. I think of changing the name of this blog. Plus, the running high usually doesn't start until 45 minutes in, barely before it's time for me to stop.

I've motivated myself many times with the mantra; "Some day you will not be able to do this. Today is not that day". The purpose being to seize and cherish the moment. But now there's a little voice in the back of my head that says 'today is that day. You were once a runner, but not anymore.'

It is other runners that pick me up. In a conversation with Runwell representative Pam Rickard I said something along the lines of, "I'm not really running, just 6 miles at a time," to which she replied, "but running 6 miles is running."
I love you Runwell. 

And I am a stubborn and persistent son of a bitch. Obsessive, driven. All sorts of 7 habits of highly deadly people, so I will not go gently into that good night.  It's time to sign up for a race. For one, I am going to be raising some funds for Runwell. Having an event should spark the smoldering flame inside. I can accept slowing, I can't accept stopping.

Here's four half-marathons I'm looking at in 2014, and I am going to pick two:

April 26th 
 The Trail Half Marathon - A wonderful trail, iffy weather, but good times. The hills are huge, high, steep, and intimidating, and if the uphills don't get you then the downhills will 

June 1st  
Dexter-Ann Arbor Half Marathon - My favorite half marathon with a great running crowd, a course that winds along the river, and an unforgettable climb to the finish on Main Street in Down Town Ann Arbor 

September 7th 
Run Woodstock - A 3 day festival of running sponsored by Running Fit where I have missed out on the brown acid too many times.

September 29th   
Brooksie Way Half Marathon - Never ran this one, and  need to. 

October 20th 
 Detroit Free Press Half Marathon - Biggest running event in Michigan

*Right now, Ann Arbor Dexter half marathon and Run Woodstock are tops on my list. If all goes well, I can add another fall half. In 2015 I will be back to marathoning. They shoot horses who can't run anymore, don't they? I better prove there's race in me yet.


LBTEPA said...

not to make this about me but I'd just about kill to be able to run 6 miles again - I've been off the road for 2 years now, looking at getting back to some walking (!!) soon after surgery and months of physio. Be sad on one level, of course, but enjoy it for me, eh?

Ty @tyruns.blogspot said...


Unknown said...

Our brains can sure work against us sometimes, huh? It's like no matter how hard we want something our brains can turn it into something negative by remodeling it as a "have to". Two marathons! that's a way to stick it to that ol' negative nancy brain, though! Good luck!

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