Thursday, May 1, 2014


  • Celebrate an effective snot-rocket.  
  • Cherish the burn of their chaffed body parts in the shower after a hot, summer long-run.  
  • Get moody and broody when they are injured and can not run.

  • Have their own domain name on their blog without blogspot in the url. ✓(finally) 
  • Go to cool conventions, rub elbows, act artsy and speak in esoteric terms.  ✓ (saturday) 
  • Get moody and broody when they are injured and can not run.

I will be at the Penguicon convention in Southfield this Saturday hanging out with a bevy of geeks and freaks, listening to author panels, and seeing way cool writers like Ernest Cline of Ready Player One and Julie Hutchings, Books of the Dead published author of Running Home.

What is Penguicon?  Imagine your happy place...
...a happy place where all geeky interests are represented, explored, and respected. A place with hackers, makers, foodies, open source software junkies, anime buffs, and science fiction fans of all ages and backgrounds come together in a hotel for a weekend and totally blow the roof off.


misszippy said...

Sounds like fun! Enjoy…and hopefully it will keep the mind off the injury.

Pete said...

I always get moody when I can't run, I guess I am a real writer:)

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley