Friday, May 30, 2014


I am all set up for Run Disney 2015. 

I am registered for the Marathon. I have picked out my flights, have a deposit on the hotel and park ticket package. We are staying at the Port Orleans resort, going to the park for 5 days, and running a kids race with the family at Disney Wide World of Sports. I have my mickey ears with my name embroidered on the back to wear while I run the marathon. We even plan to spend one day at Universal Studios to play some Quidditch.

Bamn! #RunDisney done up right.

The only thing that is missing is that I am not running, and have not run a mile in 45 days. I suppose you call that faith. Faith is trying to cross the ocean without a boat. Jump in the air, start rowing, and before you hit the water, the boat will appear. Then again, Faith without works is dead, and I have now turned my will and my running life over to the care of Tri-covery massage who have secrets nobody else seems to know. Results are promising, and it just confirms to me that Doctors are just people dressed up as doctors.  Stay tuned. 

**Also, a big shout out and huge thank you to blogger Miss Zippy for her review of On the Lips of Children on her blog today. Thanks Amanda!  Check it out and the other running book she highly recommends for folks like me who moan about their injuries a bit too much -->Running + Reading = Perfect Combo


Anonymous said...

I just stayed at the Port Orleans in March and it was AWESOME! Seriously, this is the best hotel on property that we have ever stayed. Enjoy!

Anita said...

Glad to hear that you signed up for Disney. That is one of my dreams to run that marathon. So keep getting healthy and there will be other runs ahead of you.
The hardest thing to do it nothing..And you are NOT doing that. Keep on keeping on.

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley