Friday, June 6, 2014


ON THE LIPS OF CHILDREN is One Years Old today!

Happy Birthday to you, Cha Cha Cha

*Smashes its face into cake*

On June 6th, 2013, the book was published, and what a cool year it has been. The novel has received 68 reviews, 34 of them five stars, 30 of them four stars, and 1 glorious one star review that I have tattooed on my arse, word for word. The book's received some great praise from book reviewers, horror websites, run bloggers, and has been as high as the number three suspense/horror novel on amazon.

What perhaps is most important is that this is just so God-Damned FUN!!! To write and not be read saddens me, so I am ecstatic that the book is being read and the words are now scattered like ashes across the brains of humans everywhere.

When I first wrote this book, I was on the fence wether to self-publish or not, and am very grateful that Richard Thomas alerted me to the open submissions over at Books of the Dead Press, and that they agreed to publish the book. They've taught me so much, I've meet some great people and authors, and I'm kind of digging it. The excitement has certainly boiled over, and my next book will be on amazon next month.

I am so grateful for the support I've received from some awesome Run Bloggers, Book Bloggers, and for the book-signing opportunity from Running Fit, the premier shoe store in Michigan (the book is on their shelves!) and from so many awesome people at goodreads.

Here's a list of THANK YOU's with links, and I'm grateful for all of you. (Sorry for anyone I may have missed.)
The Horror News Network
Liz Loves Books
Shana Festa at The Bookie-Monster
Jeff at Detroit Runner
Ty at TyRunman
Author David Ecles
An Eclective Bookshelf
A Readers Review Blog
The Horror Honeys
Author and Editor Weston Kincade
Author Jan Kozlowski
Author Michael Garza
Author Michele Miller
Author Julie Hutchings
Salty Running (Halloween Contest)
Author John F.D. Taff
Author Chris Irvin
Author Bracken MacLeod
Cassie's House of Horrors
Senor Zombie
Author Trista Borgwardt
Running Fit
The Horror Bookshelf
Promote Horror
Reviewer David Spell 
Ravenous Reads
Char's Horror Corner
Miss Zippy
Author Sacha Scoblic
Dawna from The Kindle Book Review
Jill Will Run
Nikki at Horror After Dark 

I really appreciate your support. You're good people, and you won the chocolate factory, and if interested, also a copy of my next book:

Coming in July

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley