Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Love this quote, and experience tells me it is true. When you are busy you are most productive. Right on the verge of combusting, but moving fast enough that all your engines are firing.  You use your time more efficiently and are always planning ahead, doing the 7 habits of highly effective people most effectively.

Over the last 2 months when I wasn't running, I had hours of time slots per week that were usually taken up by running, but I didn’t accomplish much more with the time. Time sped up while I slowed down. I just started running this week, and I can already feel the difference. My neurons fire a bit faster. The synapses snap to a bigger beat. I have a touch more bravado and a sprinkle more courage and confidence. It just gets your blood flowing, gives more focus, detoxes the evil out so you can attack things with more precision. Multi-tasking becomes natural.

Just ten miles last week did this. I’m working as author/publisher getting ready to release MILK-BLOOD, working with the editor, formatting copies, writing out guest blog posts. (Plus there's my nightly meeting with the devil, 12 pm midnight sharp.)  It's also the end of the school year which means classroom parties, band concerts, ceremonies. Plus the mandatory Game of Thrones viewing, catching up on Silicon Valley, watching the Stanley Cup, and reading for an hour a day. If I hadn't taken three runs this week, I'd accomlish much less. 

 Running actually doesn’t take from your time, it gives you more time by slowing things down while speeding you up. That's why during marathon training, your whole world seems so intense. The intensity of training bleeds into everything you do. 

If you want something done, ask a runner person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Nightly meeting with the devil, 12 sharp." Too funny. You're ridiculously good.

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

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