Monday, June 23, 2014


Chasing the Dragon: if all goes as planned, I will have 22 years sober this week. Friday morning, June 27th, about 9:30 am.

 Running: Ran 15 miles last week, largely pain-free, but slow enough that a drunken penguin passed me with his family. Still, I think I had more joy to my waddle than the whole flock of penguins did, so I win. 

 Writing: Ready to hit publish on MILK-BLOOD any day now.
Advance reviews are coming in fast and furious on Goodreads, and they may be more intense than the story itself. Here's a sample:

 “An incredibly powerful story and one of the most original horror novels I have read in years. Guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seat!”—The Horror Bookshelf 

 “The originality and tension of the urban horror story, Milk-Blood is evident on every page. Matthews takes you to some very dark places, twists and turns, with the rabbit hole going deeper and deeper, until there is no way out. Not for the faint of heart, this story of love, loss, family and acceptance is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish.” — Richard Thomas, author of Staring Into the Abyss 

"I had to keep on reading no matter what, not able to break its spell." -Goodreads Reader and Librarian

“What a dark, twisted and bizarre book this was. One of the most striking urban horror stories I have read in a long time.” —Author Adam Light 

"This is a helluva story. A discomforting tale of true inner city horrors, told by characters so real they pop off the page. Add the supernatural mix to the story and it really grabs you by the throat. Very much recommended!" — John F.D. Taff, author of Little Deaths 

"Is it too soon to refer to Mark Matthews as the Stephen King of Addiction stories? MILK-BLOOD is grippingly disturbing, and if you've spent any time around addicts and the insane, it simply doesn't seem at all farfetched." -Peter Rosch, author of My Dead Friend Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sobriety!!!!

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley