Wednesday, February 25, 2015

You Say It's My Birthday? It's Your Birthday Too, Yeah

You remember how excited you were when it was your birthday and you got to pass out candy or cupcakes to the class?  Well, some things never change. I come bearing gifts on this blessedly tragic day. (If you are allergic to books of Dark Fiction which just may steal your face right off of your head, then you better pass. If not, read on.)

Below are eight gift voucher codes for a FREE download of the kindle version of MILK-BLOOD. Just click here to redeem the codes,pop in one of the codes below, and Bamn!!! MILK-BLOOD to your kindle.  

First come first serve. No catch, no strings attached. If one code doesn't work, try the next, and so on. If none of them work, shoot me a message at and perhaps I’ll provide more. 

(Link to redeem the codes) 

**As of 2/26/2015, 9 am, the 4 codes below are unused**

The codes:
Gift Claim Code 
 Gift Claim Code  GSQMMNVBQ6R2V5U
Gift Claim Code  GSSSZTZ8R55XLB5
Gift Claim Code  GSDM6HNG7G47YDB


Nick said...

Just picked it up - Thanks! It's my birthday today too - Happy Birthday to you!

Mark Matthews said...

Birthday twins, as they say. Have a great day.

Anita said...

Well Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope you are having a great day. Being that your birthday in in the middle of the week I hope you celebrate all week! Here's to Chasing another Birthday! (not the dragon :))

SupermomE13 said...

Happy happy birthday!!!!!! Hope you have had an awesome day. :)

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley