Monday, July 13, 2015

Disintegration by Richard Thomas.

After seeing the fantastic movie Mad Max: Fury Road, I found myself slightly depressed. It was such an onslaught of the senses, that all other media seemed blunted, stale, and tame in comparison.

One book saved me from the 'post Mad Max' blues, and that is the book Disintegration from Richard Thomas, which was able to match the incredible urgency and pace of the film.

Disintegration is fantastic, original, lyrical, lush, dark and deep. It moves fast and furious, even when the main character is just sitting on his bed and thinking.  I'd love to call just one of the paragraphs in this story my own.  The tone and prose alone makes this piece worth reading, but the character and story keeps you turning pages to the end. I heard going in that the story reads a bit like Sin City, and yes, you can hear the Sin City narrator as you read, but there's something much more earnest here. Reality melts into stream of consciousness and urban fantasy at times. The story's end hit the right note. If you're a fan of True Detective, you'll love this.

Sure the book is dark, violent, and bizarre, but that proves my belief that the greatest of hearts can have the darkest of imaginations. Thomas is high up on the writer food chain, but always open to requests for feedback from bottom feeders like me. Because of him, I discovered Books of the Dead Press, who eventually published On the Lips of ChildrenI reached out to him to edit my next novel, MILK-BLOOD since it needed some help from a mind such as his.

Here's Thomas rubbing elbows with the Gods:
Irvine Welsh, Richard Thomas, Chuck Palahniuk

Don't trust my thoughts on Disintegration, of course, check out blurbs from other writers.

"Sweet Hot Hell, Richard Thomas writes like a man possessed, a man on fire, a guy with a gun to his head. You'll read Disintegration like there's a gun to your's, too. A twisted masterpiece." ~Chuck Wendig

"A dark, existential thriller of unexpected twists, featuring a drowning man determined to pull the rest of the world under with him. A stunning and vital piece of work."  ~Irvine Welsh
Check it out on Amazon Here


Barbara said...

I definitely have to read this.

Jacob said...

Hi Uncle Mark :)

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley