Wednesday, May 11, 2016


In case you want to put a (nerf) bullet through my head, I want you to know where to look.

I am leaving on Thursday morning for Las Vegas to attend the Horror Writers Association convention, now known as Stokercon.

On Thursday, I will be part of the panel for The Small Press or Self-Publishing: Weighing the Best Options for an Unagented Author".  Then I hope to hit up the 9:30 reading by Tim Waggoner.

On Friday, I have two workshps, one by Jonathan Mayberry (my daughter has sent me with a copy of Rot & Ruin to sign), and then I'm taking part of John Skipp's much heralded "The Master Plotting Crash Course." 

After this, I want to hit up the Patrick Freivald  & Trevor Firetog reading, and then another "Small Press, Agent, Or Indie Publishing" workshop, and then the Linda Addison & Paul Dale Anderson reading.

Friday night ends with the StokerCon Luky 13 Film Competiation, which goes until 2 am, eastern standard time, so this aging Mo'Fo is going to need caffeine.

Saturday morning starts with Tim Waggoner's workshop "Build a Better Monster," and then I want to hit up "The Horror Short Story in the 21st Centry" with Ellen Datlow, Stephen Jones, and Jonathon Mayberry on the panel.  At 1:30 I will be standing outside the doors of the Jack Ketchum's 'Writing from Experience, Writing from the Wound" workshop, hoping to hear a few words since it sold out before I could make it.  After that, "The Pulse of the International Horror Market."

Saturday at 3:30 I am doing my own reading along with Denver native Sam W Anderson (I had been paired with Bram Stoker nominated Gary Braunbeck, but he has unfortunately taken ill. I was relieved to know his spot will be filled. Thanks Sam!)  I will be reading from two scenes from MILK-BLOOD and splashing  heroin-laced milk-blood at the audience. So, please attend but wear protection if you are in the first row. Think Gallagher.

Saturday night is the Bram Stoker award banquet, after which I am flying out to take the Red-Eye home.  One last shout-out thanks to Eric J. Guignard who is letting me put my stuff in his room rather than living out of the hotel lobby for the day.  Thanks Eric, and it all just is more proof that horror writers have the finest hearts, and they are an incredible, talented, unique bunch. 

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley