Thursday, July 28, 2016


**update as of 9/17/2016
The call for submissions to Garden of Fiends has been reposted in numerous places, and there has been an incredibly large interest in this project. I am certainly thrilled about this, for it confirms my belief that a collection of "Addiction Horror" is a perfect fit. 
 I wanted to clarify a few things.
*As it states in the guidelines, I am looking for longer works, 16k to 25k, and will no longer be able to respond to the multitude of shorter submissions I've been receiving. (there will be some shorter pieces included, but they'e been chosen) 

*I am not looking for addiction memoir stories. I am looking for pieces of fiction, that fit into the horror genre, where addiction is a main tenet of the conflict.  Think Stephen King's Grey Matter rather than Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries.  If you are in recovery, then it is the perfect opportunity to 'write from the wound' and tell the truth through a piece of horror fiction. I'd love to publish all recovering writers, but the content of the fiction comes first, not the biography of the author.

Garden of Fiends
Tales of Addiction Horror

The intoxication from a pint of vodka, the electric buzz from snorting cocaine, the warm embrace from shooting heroin – drinking and drugging provides the height of human experience. It’s the promise of heaven on earth, but the hell that follows is a constant hunger, a cold emptiness. The craving to get high is a yearning not unlike that of any other blood-thirsty monster.

The best way to tell these truths of addiction is through a story, and dark truths such as these need a piece of horror to do them justice.

It’s with great enthusiasm that I invite submissions to an addiction-themed horror anthology with an expected spring/summer 2017 publication date.  Garden of Fiends is the working title. Submissions should be from 16k to 25k words. The publisher will have one title in the anthology, and from 3 to 4 additional works will be included.

Characters should be individuals and not caricatures, and the substance use should ring true with verity of terms and modes of transmission. Any type of substance can be featured, including alcohol, with any point of view. There does not have to be an anti-drug message, and addiction can just be part of the setting (a drug dealer, for example) but should be a major part of the conflict.  Some compassion for the plight of addiction is preferred, but the insidious nature of both addict and addiction should certainly shine through. The publisher is a recovering addict/alcoholic who has worked in the field of addiction for 20 years.  

Supernatural elements are welcome. Blood, guts and gore only if it is part of the story. Powerful emotions and visceral elements are expected. Nothing is too challenging or controversial. Tropes such as zombies, werewolves, and vampires are welcome as long as it’s a new take.  

To date, Wicked Run Press has only published books by its creator, but a majority of these books have been anchored in stories of addiction. Milk-Blood, All Smoke Rises, The Damage Done, STRAY, and Chasing the Dragon have already tapped into an audience with this interest. (On the Lips of Children, published by Books of the Dead Press, also features addiction.) The publisher will aggressively market Garden of Fiends but an active author platform is helpful and expected.  

It has been said to ‘write the book you would like to read.’ Well, I am trying to put together the anthology I would like to read.  Have fun, break boundaries, blow my mind.

Pay Rates and Structure:
$500 will be paid via paypal for your story, which amounts to approximately .3¢ per word at the low end word count, .2¢ per word at the high end. Three contributor copies will be shipped to your doorstep by a person in uniform. Options to buy further paperbacks will be provided at a discount. Movie rights will be retained by the author, but the publisher will obtain audio rights. The contract term is 4 years at which point all rights revert back to the author.

Submission guidelines:
16k to 25k words.
Multiple submissions okay, simultaneous admissions okay but make it clear you’ve submitted elsewhere.  Reprints considered at a lower rate, especially if it’s a perfect fit (got a perfect fit? Inquire within.) Submissions should be polished and not need major editing. Standard 12 point, single space, Times New Roman. Nothing fancy. Prefer Word format.

Please put Garden of Fiends Submission, Name of story, authors last name, and word count in the subject line.  Include a short description or teaser in the body of the email, as well as author bio, publishing history, and any links of interest.

Confirmation of receipt of your submission within 72 hours of submission.

Approximate Time frames:
Announcement: August 1st.
Submissions accepted: September 1st to January 1st, 2017
Notice of acceptance and contracts sent: by February 1st, 2017

Inquiries, questions; contact:

**based on submissions, the structure of the anthology is subject to change, but final terms provided in the contract**


Michaƫl Wertenberg said...

Yes!! This is my wheelhouse.
I'm very excited for this anthology.
I'll get crackin' on a story to submit--just going to finish this drink first...

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun. Alright, I'm looking at this from the aspect of an adult, I'm assuming that adult language shouldn't be a problem? I'm not planning to drop the F-bomb ten thousand times in a 26K (TOPS) work, mind, but if you'd prefer substitute words I'd like to hear about it sooner rather than later. Ah meth, sex, alcohol...the things you do to my foolish anti-hero.

Sandra said...

Sober 12.5 years, Picked up, Now 16 years Sober, Charged with a DUI while clean and Sober! Talk about acceptance? You bet, I will be sharing my story, might pay for a small part of big fines. Reality People!

Mark Matthews said...

Re: F-Bombs it just needs to be a good story, quality characters, and quality writing. F-bombs needed for verity, i presume.

RE: sharing your story, feel free to use your experiences, since writing from the wound is powerful, but remember we're looking for horror fiction not memoirs.

Have had lots of interest, but no decisions made, and none will be made until door closes on 1/1/17

To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley