Thursday, September 1, 2016


Submissions open today for Garden of Fiends: Tales of Addiction Horror.  The project has been a dream of mine, and I've created a small team of folks to help me, including cover artist Zach McCain who has done a fabulous job. Here is the cover, author names and wrap around picture and text for the paperback to follow:

The anthology will focus on longer works, primarily 4-5 novella length pieces, with a few shorter works included by invitation. For more information, check out the initial call for submissions here:

The interest has been overwhelming already, and before it is over, I am quite sure I will wish I could make an encyclopedia of addiction horror.  

Reminder: Stories need to have a clear and obvious addiction theme or setting. (once again: Further explanation here. )

Pay Rates and Structure:
$500 will be paid via paypal for your story, which amounts to approximately .3¢ per word at the low end word count, .2¢ per word at the high end. Three contributor copies will be shipped to your doorstep by a person in uniform. 

Submission guidelines:
16k to 25k words.
Multiple submissions okay, simultaneous admissions okay but make it clear you’ve submitted elsewhere. Submissions should be polished and not need major editing. Standard 12 point, single space, Times New Roman. Word document. Nothing fancy. 

Please put Garden of Fiends Submission, Name of story, authors last name, and word count in the subject line.  Include a short description or teaser in the body of the email, as well as author bio, publishing history, and any links of interest.

Confirmation of receipt of your submission within 72 hours of submission. 

Approximate Time frames:
Announcement: August 1st.
Submissions accepted: September 1st to January 1st, 2017 
Notice of acceptance and contracts sent: by February 1st, 2017 

Inquiries, questions; contact:

**based on submissions, the structure of the anthology is subject to change, but final terms provided in the contract**

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley