Monday, September 12, 2016


I have been a fan of the halloween-themed Bad Apples anthologies since the great group of writers put out the first edition.  Over the last two years, more than one of the stories has been long-listed for Bram Stoker Consideration, and last year's edition featured Kealan Patrick Burke. Seeing the cover is as sure a sign of autumn as pumpkin spice latte and that insane neighbor of yours who over-rakes his front lawn until it is completely spotless and devoid of leaves. (Me? i just mulch the mother-fuckers a couple of times and let the dead leaves fertilize the ground for future generations).

I was incredibly honored when I got an invite to submit to Bad Apples 3.  Incredibly honored. My brain started churning fast and furious about what to write.   

What might be the most unusual treat you could get on Halloween night?  How does the pagan holiday fit with traditional catholics who, as opposed to lining up outside someone's house at night to get a Kit-Kat, line up in front of a priest each Sunday at communion to get a waiver which is the body of Christ? 

I wrote my story, Body of Christ, every night for weeks. I probably wrote 20k words for what turned into a 8k story. As most things I've written, soon enough it became an obsession, which required a few explanations to my wife, "Look, these Light Brother dudes invited me to submit. They invited Me? can you believe it? I have to nail this, or I'll never get another invitation again and my life will be meaningless."

Incredibly happy to report that, while my life may still be meaningless, my story was accepted and is sandwiched inside this great list of writers.  Perhaps the most bizarre and transgressive thing I've written to date.

Do check out Bad Apples 3. 

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley