Tuesday, March 5, 2019

"GARDEN OF FIENDS" Is Two Years Old - Get It Free on Amazon.

Two years ago this week, GARDEN OF FIENDS: TALES OF ADDICTION HORROR went up for presale.

To honor the anniversary, the book is free on Amazon. One click of the button and a Garden Grows on your kindle.

FREE today and tomorrow. Check it out here:

If you're a Bookbub subscriber, you'll see it show up in your inbox today. 

Garden of Fiends was the culmination of a series of books that feature addiction horror, including Milk-Blood, The Damage Done, All Smoke Rises, and to a lesser extent, On the Lips of Children. It's a topic very personal to me, and as I wrote from the wound, words just kept bleeding. I created Garden to see what other authors would do with the topic, since to truly capture the insidious nature of addiction, it takes a work of horror. I'm so incredibly thrilled at the list of writers on the table of contents.

Kealan Patrick Burke 
Jessica McHugh 
Max Booth III 
Johann Thorsson 
John FD Taff 
Glen Krisch 
Mark Matthews
Jack Ketchum

It's been two years, but seeing those names is still a thrill, and there is some sad literary irony to have Jack's story conclude the anthology. His story showcases his love of pets and is about a spirit who returns after death to find his partner destroying herself with alcoholism and neglecting his beloved cat. I hope Jack's soul is less distraught. 

"Garden of Fiends is scary in the realest of ways. What fertile ground for horror. Every story comes from a dark, personal place."
-JOSH MALERMAN, New York Times best-selling author of BIRD BOX

"There's something here to scare anyone and everyone. Garden of Fiends pushes all the wrong buttons in all the right ways!" 
-JONATHAN MABERRY, New York Times best-selling author of Dogs of War

*But wait, there's more*

Two titles also go on a .99 cent Kindle countdown deal:

MILK-BLOOD: "An urban legend in the making."

ON THE LIPS OF CHILDREN  "Dark fiction at its visceral, chilling best.

*You still here? Well, guess what. The Garden is going to get a follow up anthology. Stay tuned!*

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To Those Willing To Drown - on Netgalley until March 15

  My novel ison Netgalley until March 15 Check it out by clicking below here: To Those Willing To drown on Netgalley